Improving COVID-19 Outpatient Management




Geographic Scope

Latin America, Africa, Middle East, and Asia Pacific Countries (except China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand)

Applicant Eligibility Criteria

– The following may apply: medical, dental, nursing, allied health, and/or pharmacy professional schools; healthcare institutions (both large and small); professional associations and medical societies; medical education companies; and other entities with a mission related to healthcare professional education and/or healthcare improvement.

– If the project involves multiple departments within an institution and/or between different institutions / organizations / associations. All institutions must have a relevant role and the requesting organization must have a key role in the project.

– For projects offering continuing education credit, the requesting organization must be accredited.

IMPORTANT: we are seeking to support Quality Improvement initiatives; it is not our intent to support any type of educational programs or clinical research projects. Projects evaluating the efficacy of therapeutic or diagnostic agents will not be considered.

Para recibir el respaldo institucional, el proyecto debe ser previamente aprobado por la DUICT. Para ello, se deberá registrar la postulación a través de este módulo; además, se deberá adjuntar la propuesta y el presupuesto. Las postulaciones deberán ser registradas con anticipación (de preferencia una semana).


Clinical area: COVID-19

General Area of Interest for this RFP:

– Improving COVID-19 disease management including, but is not limited to, disease diagnoses, patient risk stratification and leveraging new and emerging data to improve outpatient management.

– Increasing HCP awareness to successfully implement interventions to improve detection, testing, stratification and follow up of nonhospitalized patients to avoid progression to severe illness.

– Understanding health care disparities among COVID-19 patients with a special emphasis on improving health care standards, timely access to testing resources and patient management.

– Projects implementing health care technologies (mobile or web-based tools) to guide HCPs on COVID-19 patient risk characterization progressing to severe diseases, will be given higher priority.

Key dates

RFP release date: March 15th, 2022

Grant Application due date: May 3rd, 2022 (Please note the deadline is 23:59 Eastern Standard Time (e.g., New York, GMT -5)).

Applications will be accepted via the online portal. Full Proposal documents should be no longer than 10- 15 pages in length (12-point font and 1-inch margins) excluding Organization Detail and References. When uploading your Full Proposal please ensure it addresses the following.

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